PiControl Solutions

New Modern Industrial Process Control Training – PID Tuning And Advanced Process Control (APC)

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We are pleased to announce the recent release of our modern and updated PID Tuning and Advanced Process Control (APC) courses using brand new Vimeo video-based life-like format. The sessions are engaging, animated and with a lot of writing and highlighting keeping the attendee attentive, engaged and involved.

You can view the sessions anytime at your convenience, availability and pace. So, no time constraints and restrictions during the training week! No travel, no hotel!! And best of all – you can call experienced live instructors during 9 AM to 6 PM USA Central Time to ask questions on the theory and software/home-work lab parts. Our experienced instructors will assist you using GoToMeeting/Skype/phone and email as needed.

The first course PID100 is on “PID Tuning and Primary Process Control”.

The second course APC200 on “Advanced Process Control”.

After completing the PID100 course, we strongly recommend APC200 for you, it will give you excellent ideas regarding DMC/MPC improvements and building APC inside your DCS/PLC.

As part of the training, you also get to install two software products on your computer – PITOPS (PID tuning optimizer and transfer function identifier) and SIMCET (PID tuning realtime training simulator).

You will receive a multiple-choice review test and upon getting 75% correct answers, then you will be able to print your course completion certificate.

We get 4.87 / 5 as the average feedback score from students based on a 25 question based questionnaire. I am sure you will like the courses and find them very beneficial.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thank you and best regards,

Joy Mills

Sales and Administrative Manager

PiControl Solutions LLC

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