In air separation industry atmospheric air is separated into its primary components such as: nitrogen and oxygen, and sometimes also argon and other rare inert gases.
The most common unit for cryogenic air separation is the cryogenic air separation unit (ASU), which employs cryogenic distillation to produce high-purity nitrogen, oxygen, and often argon. In this process, cryogenic separation of gas products is achieved by first cooling the air until it liquefies, followed by selective distillation of the components at their respective boiling points. The cryogenic gas separation process requires tight integration of heat exchangers and gas separation columns to achieve high efficiency. The cooling of the gases demands a substantial amount of energy, typically supplied by an air compressor. Modern air separation units (ASUs) enhance efficiency by using expansion turbines for cooling, thereby improving the performance of the air compressor.
Pressure swing adsorption units provide separation of oxygen or nitrogen from air without cooling. This air separation process operates at ambient temperature and high pressure, where air and an adsorbed film of the desired gas are released using zeolite.
Vacuum swing adsorption for air separation is a similar process to pressure swing adsorption, but the product gas is evolved from the zeolite at sub-atmospheric pressure.
Membrane air separation technologies operate at ambient or higher temperatures and offer lower-energy alternatives for the air separation process. These technologies are primarily used to produce oxygen-poor and nitrogen-rich gases.
Several other air separation technologies are in existence, though they are still in the early stages of development.
Prior to any advanced process control (APC) project, even in air separation processes, base-level PID tuning and optimization is a critical prerequisite step. Unless base-level PID control loops are well-tuned, advanced process control (APC) cannot function effectively, as APC will manipulate the set points of the base-level PID control loops. Therefore, the first necessary step in the overall process control improvement procedure for air separation processes is PID tuning and optimization of primary or base-level PID controllers.
The benefits of PID tuning and optimization in an air separation unit include the reduction of oscillation amplitude and an increase in controller action by a factor of 2 or 3. This enables smoother operation of the air separation plant with increased stability in all control loops, avoiding unnecessary air separation plant problems such as equipment damage, rapid wear and tear, irregular shutdowns, or off-spec product properties and grades.
PiControl Solutions LLC has extensive experience in PID tuning and optimization of air separation controllers in the cryogenic air separation industry. We understand and can address typical PID control loop problems, and we offer customized PID tuning and optimization software tools for all air separation unit controllers.
Our unique and novel closed-loop system identification technology allows quick, efficient, and precise tuning and optimization of base-level PID control loops. With our closed-loop technology, we can perform system identification and PID tuning optimization of the following critical base-level PID controllers easily.
Moreover, all process and data analysis, as well as PID tuning and optimization work, can be easily performed remotely by PiControl Solutions LLC process control engineers.
PiControl Solutions LLC has extensive experience in advanced process control (APC) optimization for air separation processes in the cryogenic air separation industry.
We understand the economic factors that drive profit margins, and have developed customized multivariable closed-loop system identification and advanced process control (APC) design and optimization tools to improve air separation units.
Due to the relatively small size of many air separation plants, it is more cost-effective to implement modular PLC-based MPC (Model Predictive Control) rather than typically used big and cumbersome MPC (Model Predictive Controllers. The PLC-based MPC approach is compact, modular, much faster and cost-effective compared to typical MPC.
Air separation facilities can have various process and process control configurations. We analyze each process and provide the optimal economic advanced control solution for each air separation plant. Our modular PLC-based MPC methodology has proven particularly successful in this area.
Our modular PLC-based MPC technology is effective for all types of air separation processes—N2 gas only, N2/O2 gas only, N2/O2 gas/liquid, and N2/O2/Argon gas/liquid. For air separation units (ASUs) producing both gas and liquid, we have ensured a 4% increase in profits. For smaller plants and those producing gas only, we have ensured 1-2% savings in energy due to reduced venting (gas losses). Additional benefits of our modular PLC-based MPC technology include smoother plant operation, automated loading and unloading, and less work for operators.
Application of PiControl Solutions LLC modular PLC-based MPC Technology to Air Separation Plants.
After all advanced process control (APC) schemes are complete and all advanced process control (APC) parameters are calculated and optimized, PiControl Solutions LLC will conduct a factory acceptance test (FAT) to ensure that the advanced process control (APC) design is complete, correct, and operable. Upon completion of the process control (APC) project, PiControl Solutions LLC will provide dedicated process control training for the air separation company
PiControl is an innovative process control software and services company offering state-of-the-art, modern solutions at a lower cost and with shorter implementation times compared to competitors.
PiControl Solutions is the only process control and automation company worldwide capable of performing any advanced process control (APC) project completely remotely. With the widespread availability of high-speed and reliable internet connections, along with affordable medium to high-resolution webcams or widely used remote meeting and screen-sharing applications, it is possible to design, tune, optimize, FAT test, and start up any advanced process control project entirely online. This low-cost online/remote approach saves significant travel and accommodation costs while maintaining high levels of human health and safety.
For more information and details, please email us at [email protected] or call Tel: (832) 495 6436.