STYROSIM covers the industrial simulation of manufacture of Styrene Monomer from raw material Ethylbenzene.
During the four years at a college, students get exposed to common but individual unit operations – distillation, reactors, heat exchangers etc. And they also learn typical chemical engineering calculations like thermodynamics, mass transfer, heat transfer, kinetics etc. But they do not get the experience of seeing how all the pieces of equipment and all the chemical engineering calculations fit together as they do not have access to a real plant. Even they do, over some special projects or diploma work, they cannot change setpoints, cannot change process conditions and cannot really learn enough. Therefore, many students who become fresh and young engineers, are afraid of entering the control room environment for the first time as they are lost in a sea of control system consoles, industrial standards and operation procedures which needs to be followed.
Please contact us for demo:, Tel: (832) 495 6436
STYROSIM is one of the best plant simulators for student training, industrial exposure, and education as it has all the most important, commonly encountered chemical engineering unit operations as though in many colleges.
STYROSIM plant simulator gives a feel of a completely real control room in a completely real styrene plant. While running the STYROSIM plant simulator, students will get the experience of seeing how all the individual unit operations and pieces of equipment, along with all the chemical engineering calculations which are individually taught, finally fit together.
STYROSIM offers the students real-life experience of working like in a real chemical plant. Students can take a role of control-room operators and enjoy the feel and experience of running the real plant, or they can take a role of process control or chemical engineers and optimize the plant performance, as the most common engineering challenge. They can fearlessly start the plant from a cold start-up, or just run it in steady-state mode. Students will enjoy running the plant simulator since it possesses all real industrial functionalities, such as:
Students will experience the performance and operation of a real DCS system, and they will be involved in:
STYROSIM as real-time dynamic plant simulator is heavily concentrated on and can give unique experience and knowledge of:
1) Powerful and widely used Siemens DCS system PCS7 and the usage of its functionalities.
2) Designing and starting-up new basic, advanced or safety control logic, sensors, pumps and other pieces which are commonly used in industrial plants.
3) Designing of graphical interfaces and interconnections with existing control logic, like many industrial control engineers normally do.
4) Improving or designing process models (which include first principle, empirical, polynomial, mass and heat balance and other models).
5) Working as a team consisted of several control-room operators and solve many upsets and plant disturbances, starting-up or shutting-down operations and equipment, and using other commonly seen industrial procedures.
6) Understanding the process control principles and how they fit together in a real-time multivariable industrial system.