PiControl Solutions


Customers reviews

From Our Extremely Satisfied Customers.

Your team is amazing, please pass along my gratitude for the great customer service we always receive!


Electrical and Instrumentation Instructor, Fox Valley Technical College, USA
Used vendor to provide training for Siemens EHG controls, did a great job with that. Would recommend and use them again.

Process Control Manager

NB Power, CA
I received the SIMCET program. Thanks to you guys, now I can easily learn and understand PID control loops. All I want to say is thank you.


South Korea

I've found training materials very illustrative and easy to grasp. I especially like the fact that they first deal with the practical aspects before diving into the theory and mathematics, providing just enough depth to give a complete picture of how these seemingly complex control systems work.

Thank you very much. Keep up the good work!


Honestly it is a good software since it is very easy to use and it provides good results, so it maybe considered as part of experiments in the lab for comparison.

Chemical Engineering Student


I'd like to thank you all for everything! Your product SIMCET is amazing, and your support is even better. I'd be happy to talk with anyone who might be interested in purchasing SIMCET and let them know how impressed I am.

Process Control Professor

Fox Valley Technical College, USA

I have been using PITOPS and I love it. My favorite part is the disturbance insertion. I really like being able to see how the loop would theoretically react to a similar disturbance in the actual process.

Process Control Engineer

Owens Corning, USA
The training is going perfectly, instructions are very clear and response from you is excellent.

Thank you.

Instrument Technician,
South Africa

My experience with PITOPS was phenomenal, and I would say that it must be one of the greatest, if not the best, process control tools available on the market.

Engineer, Africa

Your Primary and Advanced Process Control courses are very good, I am really enjoying and learning.

Process Control Engineer

Training is going well, progressing through the APC course currently. The topics are covered very thoroughly and in a way that is easy to understand, so impressed so far with the courses.

Canadian Electric Power-Plant Control Engineer

I got familiar with PiControl Solutions from one of Udemy courses. That is one of the best courses on ICS. Now I want to learn more about PITOPS, SIMCET, as much as I can.

Instrumentation Engineering Expert


I have many new Control Engineers in my organization that can use this training as well as more senior folks that I will recommend to take as a refresher.

I love the training!!!  The teacher is fantastic!!

Regional Process Control Engineering Leader

I have successfully completed the MON300 course. The experience was really worth it.

Thanks a million and pls keep the good work going.

Best Regards


Words alone can not express my gratitude. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to improve on my skills and experience. The breakdown from the lectures I have had this far are profound. The instructor is very thorough. I have not known it like this before. He explains concepts, equations and theories of PID and process control like he was teaching babies, backing them up with real-life examples. I am really appreciative of this opportunity to re-learn.

To the Pi control solution team and the guys at the webzstore project, I want to say "thank you" to all of you, as I look forward to working with you all in the future.

Nigeria instrumentation engineer training feedback

I enrolled in APC200 & APC275
My position is instrument and control engineer, and I am interested in advanced process control. so I was looking for good courses to enhance my knowledge.

I enrolled in APC200, but after watching the first three sections, I enrolled in APC275 because the courses are absolutely amazing. The courses contain theoretical, practical and many examples, which make you fully understand. Instructor explanations are crystal clear. He gives you step by steps to build your model in APC.

Highly recommended courses, Thank you very much!

Teeba Alakhzami

Huge thanks for creating PID100 and APC 200 courses. The courses were awesome and presented in beginner-friendly and easy-to-understand slides.

The courses were professionally handled, and the examples used were easy to relate to. The inclusion of SIMCET and PITOPS PID-tunning was a great way of making the entire learning experience practical. I absolutely enjoyed the experience, and it has given me the boost I needed for my career advancement.



Hi Mr. Steve,

I want to personal express my gratitude to you for all you have helped and assisted me through.

You have guided, advised and encouraged me on what course I need to take in their order and gave me discount on them.

Above all you really understood my position and how determined I am to improve myself in my profession and you gave me that great proportional kick I really needed.

You also understood my restrictions I face both in making payments, reading while at work, etc and you where patience and gave advise where necessary.

You always give me a listening hear and heart right from the first day I contacted you and when ever I called or emailed you and you respond appropriately and on time even when it seems you have a tight schedule and are very busy.

The only people I know that do such things are great minds and great leaders and you are one of them.

You are a LEADER indeed.

All can say or do is to tell you thank you from my heart.

I will try my best possible to let people know about the course which I am already doing right now.

Thank you Mr. Steve.



I did the testing and have worked with your exceptional applications SIMCET and PITOPS, and have found them very useful and effective tools both for academic and industrial purposes.

I have been working with many similar applications and software tools, and have been developing myself similar ones, but yours are far more useful and elaborate, especially when it comes to applications in the oil and gas industry.

Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, BIH

Very helpful place and they give you the knowledge with a very simple way and practice 💙

Hashem Mohamed

PiControl Solutions process control primary (PID100) and advanced (APC200) training courses are just perfect. Course topics are nicely explained over many practical examples. The use of process control simulators makes process control like a toy, fun to play with.

Holcim Croatia production engineer

Our students really appreciated your presentation! Thank you again.

Best Regards,


New Mexico State University

I want to thank all for the excellent material and software that you put together, and for all the support along the way. The training gave me a new perspective on loop tuning. I appreciate it very much.

Best Regards,

Jesus Zepeda

The softwares used during the training works very well. For the courses, it is amazing with great softwares ever seen before with this kind of flexibility, all videos very simple and quick understand , I have finish PID100 videos but till now I could not start with real hands-on training on (PITOP & SIMCET), because as I told you before my time is very limited especially when I on shift.

Hasanain Alfadhel


I purchased SIMCET and PITOPS software for education purposes. These programs are first of all, user friendly, easy to understand and very helpful in visualizing processes and control methods which are sometimes rather abstract to students. In comparison to some other software available, I find these two an excellent choice. For professors, PiProMaster is also indispensable since it sums up the most relevant theory in process control in a very straightforward way. In combination with customer service that is always at your disposal, these three are a definite must have.

Process Control Professor


In 2016. INA – Croatian national oil company signed contract with Picontrol solutions for implementation of Apromon and Pitops in Rijeka refinery (cca. 1000 control loops) plus Simcet for educational purposes. Additionally as part of the scope tuning of 350 loops was done by Pi control engineers. Project was executed smoothly within the budget and time( 8 months). Since I was working directly with Picontrol engineers I can whiteness their professionalism and devoutness to finalize project successfully. I think that best recommendation for the project were panel operators ( from the units that were not within the scope of 350 loops that were tuned ) when they asked when this kind of a job will be done on “their“ plants. After project closing we continued to use both Apromon and Pitops and had strong support of Picontrol colleagues whenever we needed it, so I highly recommend company and tools for “loop tuning“ type of the projects.

Process Engineer


From the word go, I have always been excited at the thought of how PiControl represents the world of industrial process control. As a field instrument engineer, playing around with the PID loops of electronic temperature controllers was a rare luxury. Reasons: (i) you do not want to disrupt real time processes (ii) you do not want to be responsible for any colossal loss and/or downtime that can be ascribed to the disruptions you cause (iii) you do not want to lose your job as a result. To me, the foregoing nightmares are being addressed by PiControl using SIMCET & PITOPS PID-tuning demos as well as customized training courses and Picontrol is committed to the refinement of these demos on an on-going basis. Apart from risking things with real time controllers on the factory floor, you have the luxury of exploring through the same factory floor physical conditions right in your bed room or in a classroom using laptops or desktops installed with PID software simulators known as SIMCET & PITOPS.

Adam Cheise


I knew absolutely nothing in process control before getting to know PiControl Solutions. However, their excellent simple to understand training coupled with practical simulation softwares gave me the knowledge that I earnestly sought for as well as confidence in facing my world. I have successfully completed PID 100, APC 200 and OPC 500 courses and will recommend it to anyone who seeks training in process control. It is indeed the best place to be.

Tenkorang Evans


It was a great learning experience, The Instructor is so knowledgable, and emphasize on practical aspects as well as theory, mixing theory with practice by having PITOPS software is great way to gain real industry experience.

Tarek Ismail


Your technology is 21st century. All your competitors are using old technology and complicated software. I learnt a lot from this training.

Senior Process Control Engineer


We were looking at other technologies but after we saw your PITOPS, SIMCET and training material, choosing you was quick and obvious.

Professor and Department Head


The training is going very well. I have already had experience in control systems but with your training I could finally understand a lot of concepts which are not easy to get by books. I hope once I finish this training I will take the advance control process course, thanks for all your support.

Supervisor Instrumentation & Control


We are amazed at how simple, modern and practical your software is and the training is very hands on. I learnt lot more in a week than a decade of hands-on work. And thanks to PITOPS PID optimizer and your onsite consulting services, we were able to pass government tests on frequency control.

Process Control Engineer


SIMCET is both a very simple and yet powerful tool for training purposes especially when they are combined with theoretical classes, in that way hands-on part of training brings most value. PITOPS is very powerful and robust tool that is very easy to install and even connect with OPC to third party historian. With intuitive interface it is very easy to identify process model dynamics and make loop tuning both on single and cascade loops.

Automation and Process Control Manager


In April I showed the SIMCET software to a group of engineers that the University gathered looking for students for a specialization course. About 20 engineers attended the lecture and they liked the software. Yesterday I presented the PITOPS software to a control engineer from the refinery for a refinery project. From my point of view, SIMCET and PITOPS are truly amazing software products from both an academic and industrial perspective.

Professor and Process Control Consultant


At the outset, it was interesting to note that ONLY you (PiControl) were able to point at anomalies in data where same change in SP gives 2 opposite reactions in PID Output. I must admit no other solution provider has noticed this mistake in our copy/paste operations. We were impressed by your unique ability and the closed-loop multi-input identification which makes PiControl technology definitely unique and unmatched.

Core Process Control Engineer


Our refinery is interested in taking PID tuning training and DCS-based APC training conducted by PiControl. The PITOPS and SIMCET software for system identification, PID tuning optimization are very practical and easy to understand even for new engineers with no experience.

Process Control Manager


Your training totally exceeded our expectations. Training conducted by PiControl was world class. PiControl software is very user-friendly and the same software can be used as training tool as well as for use on DCS PID tuning in control room. We recommend PiControl to all industrial plants and academic colleges. The PITOPS and SIMCET process control tools are amazingly simple and powerful. We are glad we chose you over 6 bidders from North America and Europe.

Production Manager


The instructions on how to change the PID controller parameters are included with some DCS/controller manuals but other competitors do not show easily how to come up with the optimal PID tuning parameters. After a lot of reading and research I took your (PiControl) PID tuning training course which is full of excellent material as I have said.

Process Control Student

I mentioned your excellent courses to our controls group. So hopefully they will take advantage of your informative courses.

Process Engineer, Engineering/Consulting Company


Our process control engineers cannot live with PITOPS PID tuning software from PiControl.

Integrated Oil Company


I was very impressed about the features of your PITOPS for loop tuning. I saw the results obtained by using your tool, and could understand the overall philosophy of your product. At this moment, we are focused in the commissioning and startup of the new refinery. We will contact you for loop tuning activities.

Refinery Senior Controls Engineer


PITOPS use for PID tuning and APC design was amazingly fast, accurate and modern. Numerous PIDs were tuned and the APC has run robustly for many years without need for any maintenance.

The world’s largest International Oil and Gas Company

No one else besides PiControl was able to successfully conduct closed-loop system identification with noisy data with disturbances. PITOPS software produced accurate transfer functions and optimal PID parameters.

Global Packaging and Chemicals Company


I attended APC100 course during 2014, and I really enjoyed it. I think the training material is both sufficient and in an easy to understand format. The course was held over a three day period, with the lecturer answering questions as they arise.

Process Engineer, Control Engineering Company

Two years back, I attended a week-long classroom process control training in Houston and I can give only positive feedback.

Process Control Engineer

We are very impressed by PiControl Solutions technology and capabilities.

Production Manager

The PID100 training was great experience. The course was very informative, practical with not much complicated math involved, making it very effective and useful.

Production Manager

I finished all the training sessions for PID100 and APC200 yesterday. It was a really great course. You all did a great job of being experts who have not lost sight of where the beginner is in the process. Your instruction was incredibly clear and easy to follow.

Robert P – General Electric

All in all, the PID100 and APC200 training was very well done. I felt the material was presented in a professional and engaging manner.


Since we bought SIMCET and PITOPS our way of teaching has been positively changed. Now we can easily present to students how PID controller works, finally all in time domain, and what are the benefits of PID control loop tuning. Our students are amazed with the simplicity and the efficiency of the software.

Process Control Engineer


I’m nearly done with doing the course, and have even successfully looked at one of our loops and helped tune it with PITOPS (which is helping my case that we need the program and training for more people immensely).

Process Engineer

New Zeeland