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Industrial Process Control and Engineering Training Courses

Many colleges still teach process control with heavy academic and math flavor with an inadequate emphasis on practical aspects required in the industrial control room environment.  Products like Matlab are excellent in some applications, but rather cumbersome and complex for industrial use in the control room environment.  The commonly used ARMAX-based system identification is rather sensitive to the large levels of noise and significant unmeasured disturbances and it does not work well on completely oscillatory closed-loop controllers.  Moreover, many old technicians, operators, and engineers are retiring and new technicians, operators and engineers enter the chemical plant control rooms every year.

Responding to the needs of the industry all over the world, PiControl Solutions LLC has developed practical, proven and effective training courses on several industrial process control and engineering topics. PiControlSolutions LLC is a process control, engineering software vendor and industrial training company. The goal of PiControl Solutions as a 30+ year experienced process control company is to reduce still the huge process control gap between University and Industry performance and understanding.

PiControl offers process control training courses using three different convenient options:

  • Classroom: at our headquarter or Europe alliance location or at customer location
  • Online video: using Vimeo recorded sessions with a live instructor’s voice and immediate assistance
  • Online live session: using GoToMeeting application with a live instructor
  • Self-Paced training modules: using computer-based training Software modules.
Training courses list

The new process control training courses are very practical; they avoid unnecessary and complicated academic material (not useful in the practical control-room environment) and are aimed at fast learning and immediate application. If you were frustrated by Laplace domain or frequency domain or discrete domain or Z domain – do not worry!  PiControl’sprocess control training does not say a word on these complicated things.  PiControl training talks in seconds, minutes and milliseconds – all process control training and process control calculations are done entirely in the time domain.

Unlike other training techniques, PiControl’s new approach is far simpler, more effective and easier to learn and master. The simplicity and ease of use of the process control training products are because of PiControl’s powerful and user-friendly software user interface, software product design and modern-style process control training material and approach. The process control training courses will benefit operators, technicians, engineers, supervisors, managers – both new and experienced, and also college students.

What we recommend is to start with primary process control and PID tuning training followed with advanced process control (APC) training and then go to model predictive control (MPC), plant safety and plant security, plant cybersecurity, good process control safety concepts, OLE for process control (OPC) and many more practical process control training topics.

Our most popular and famous process control training courses worldwide are PID100 (primary process control and PID tuning) and APC200 (advanced process control) training course.  In addition, you will get a course completion certificate after completing the course and the power to install the following process control software products on your own computers to use even after the course is over.  Both the software products are modern, novel and superior to Matlab (and other competitors) with newer technology:

  • SIMCET– real-time PID tuning training simulator
  • PITOPS– multivariable closed-loop system identification, PID tuning optimization, and advanced process control (APC) design software

Also, you will receive a multiple-choice review test and upon getting 75% correct answers, then you will be able to print your course completion certificate. We get 4.87 / 5 as the average feedback score from students based on a 25-question based questionnaire.
